
Missing Children, Human Trafficking, and... Walmart?

Posted by Huibert Fousert on

Missing Children, Human Trafficking, and... Walmart?

I read it again earlier this month- another article warning parents of the dangers of sex traffickers in Walmart. Reading this story made my entire body cringe- not because it can’t happen, but because it likely won’t. Please don’t misunderstand what I’m about to say. By all means, watch your little ones when you are at the store, attend your children in the restroom, and be aware of your surroundings whenever you are out and about. But, please don’t do it out of fear, and please don’t assume that the person who is weirding you out in the crafting section...

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Human Trafficking in Nepal

Posted by Huibert Fousert on

Human Trafficking in Nepal

The human trafficking in Nepal is mainly outbound. Most of the men, women and children are coerced, fraud, or abducted away from their homes mostly to the Middle East, as well as India, Bangladesh, sub-saharan Africa, and more recently Khasa, a district in China. Nepal is particularly susceptible because about one quarter of the population live below the poverty line. There is a lot of natural potential within the country, but the government, natural disasters, and lack of a water port have created difficulties for wealth creation. It’s estimated that about 54 children are trafficked out of Nepal on a...

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Who is Freeleaf: Freeleaf's Mission to Help Women

Posted by Huibert Fousert on

Who is Freeleaf: Freeleaf's Mission to Help Women

Kairos Traders works alongside businesses that have the same mission as we do, engaging human trafficking and exploitation. We would like to highlight some of these businesses to give you an idea of where our products are coming from, and what they are doing in order to help folks overseas. Our first post will be about the business Freeleaf. Freeleaf works with women from a large variety of backgrounds; homeless women, women with mental or physical disabilities, women who have been in the sex industry, domestic abuse survivors, women with low education, trafficking survivors, single moms, sexual assault survivors, and...

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How Consumerism is Feeding Slave Labor

Posted by Huibert Fousert on

How Consumerism is Feeding Slave Labor

Everyone wants a bargain and to save money. Compliment someone on an outfit and you might hear “I only paid … for it.” However, in some cases our savings may mean someone else paid for it with their time, their meals, their living or working conditions. The smallest items in our closet, fridge, make-up bag, garage, etc could potentially be sourced to some form of slave labor. The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates child labor decreased from 30 percent of children in 2000 to 11 percent of children in 2012. It is encouraging to hear the numbers are going in...

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How to Buy Ethically Sourced Items: The Purchasing Power of the Consumer

Posted by Huibert Fousert on

How to Buy Ethically Sourced Items: The Purchasing Power of the Consumer

Reading about Human Trafficking can feel overwhelming. Human trafficking seems to reach into every avenue of our world. However, as consumers, we have the power to buy ethically sourced items. Most companies decisions are driven by sales, so there is power in purchasing wisely. How do we find ethically sourced items? Easy, look at our website. Alright, we appreciate the laughs, but while we have some great products we don’t have everything you need. By the time a consumer buys something, chances are some part of it can be traced back through many hands giving us less understanding of the...

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